Земельные участки Vyziskes, Литва

Vyziskes, Puntuzai, Литва


  • Страна
  • Область / штат
    Вильнюсский уезд
  • Район
    Вильнюсский район
  • Деревня
  • Адрес
    Bistrycios Trakto g


EXPLANATORY SECTION OF THE SECTION WHERE CANNOT BE NATURAL AND FOREST In the Vilnius district, in the village of Puntuz, a 57-acre agricultural plot is sold in the Lavobish eldership. This place is convenient in that it has no buildings, so it can realize what you’ve been dreaming about for a long time! Also, the terrain of the plot is smooth. Next to your future plot you find a fairly large forest where you can enjoy its nutritional goods during the season. It’s a great place for those who want to escape the bustle of the city and feel the real nature being. General information: •The road next to the plot is paved (comfortable access) •Address: Puntuze, Strawberry Sen. •Plot area: 57 acres •Purpose: agriculture ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: •~ 3.7 km to the Baroetic Landscape Reserve •~ 3 km to Bildish Lake •~ 33 km to Vilnius city All the latest CAPITAL real estate ads can be found on our website at www.capital.lt. We invite you to visit!
Опубликовано: 17.05.2024
Обновлено: 17.05.2024

Местонахождение на карте

Vyziskes, Puntuzai, Литва
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