2-room apartment, Brest, Moskovskaya St., 1973, 2/5 panel, 44.7/43.8/28.8/5.3, separate bathroom, basement, double-glazed windows, veneered interior doors, metal entrance door, multi-level suspended ceilings, tiled floors (in the kitchen, in the hallway) laminate (laid on screed), wallpapered walls, modern tiles in the bathroom, replaced plumbing, replaced heated towel rail, bathtub, replaced plumbing pipes, new electrical wiring, intercom. Kitchen set, wardrobe (in the hallway), hood. Apartment in good repair. Clean entrance. In the yard there is a children's playground, parking for cars. The house is located deep in the yard. See more details
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Agency agreement number 189/1 from 2025-01-28
Posted at: 29/01/2025
Updated at: 29/01/2025