A wooden house is sold in the village of Zadadichi, 56 (farm), Grodno district, Vertelishkovsky village council. The distance to the city of Grodno is 20 kilometers.
General information about the house: total area- 98.7 sq.m., total area of living quarters- 82.8 sq.m., kitchen- 12.9 sq.m., living rooms- 20.3 and 14.1 sq.m.
Barus house, 1940 of the building. The height of the ceilings is 2.20 m. The floors are wooden beam. The roof is a wavy slate. Windows - wooden frames.
Electricity - 220 volts on the site.
Heating - stove.
Water supply - a well.
Territory and improvement: The house is located on a land plot of 0.2496 hectares, which belongs on the basis of a lifelong ownership. The site is even, rectangular. It is possible to provide an additional land plot in the adjacent territory.
On the site there are outbuildings, a cellar.
We invite you to display at a convenient time for you, we are open to the dialogue and guarantee the legal cleanliness of the transaction.
the contract number with agency 118/2025 dated 2025-03-13