Земельные участки Электренай, Литва

Электренай, Литва


  • Страна
  • Область / штат
    Вильнюсский уезд
  • Район
    Электренское самоуправление
  • Город
  • Адрес
    Rungos g


2.09 ha agricultural plot for sale in the Pyrenees self, in the village of Belez. GENERAL INFORMATION: Address: Electroenian self., Pastred old, Belez village The main purpose of use of the plot: agriculture Method of using land plot: other agricultural land plots Land plot area: 2,0900 ha; The area of agricultural land is total: 1,8800 ha; of which: arable land area: 1,8800 ha; Product performance score for agricultural land: 36.3; Measurement type: the plot of land is formed by preliminary measurements; Access - is; SKLYPO KOORDINATES: 54.722193, 24.723018 FOR THE CREATE OF EXAMPLES INFORMATION OR VIEW IN THE NT BROKER RIRD IN THE NOSEVIOUS ______________________ Tel. Not suitable for an object? Contact – I find alternatives. SELLOW SECTION? Call – consulate, I determine the market price of your real estate facility. All the latest CAPITAL real estate ads can be found on our website www.capital.lt. We invite you to visit!
Опубликовано: 11.05.2024
Обновлено: 11.05.2024

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Электренай, Литва
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