How Russians take care of their health and which cities they consider the most suitable for a healthy lifestyle
The employment service Rabota.ru, together with the largest Russian multidisciplinary clinic, RZhD-Medicine, conducted a large-scale study that clearly showed how and to what extent Russians give importance to their own health. According to the results of the survey, they also compiled a ranking of the cities in which, according to the respondents, it is easiest to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It included Kaliningrad and a number of other Russian cities.
In total, more than 5,000 adult users of the Rabota.ru web resource living in different regions of the country were surveyed. The survey was conducted in September 2021.
How do Russians support their health?
The results of the study showed that 42% of Russians try to monitor their diet, eating mostly healthy food. Another 32% of survey participants reported that they regularly practice sports, and 29% of respondents learn about their health status based on the results of medical examinations.
24% of respondents improve their well-being by using dietary supplements and vitamins. And only 16% of respondents most often noted that they do nothing to improve their health.
Do Russians consider their city suitable for maintaining a healthy life?
74% of study participants believe that their hometown has everything they need to improve their health. At the same time, the doctors of the RZhD-Medicine network identify several factors that, according to their patients, prevent them from maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Among them are the lack of free time due to a heavy workload at their jobs, financial hardships, and lack of proper motivation.
The survey also revealed the forms of physical activity that Russians most often prefer:
- Workouts in the gym.
- Several varieties of winter sports (skating, skiing).
- Swimming and a number of other water sports disciplines.
Patients who are actively involved in sports and physical education are especially into running, recreational walking and almost all team sports disciplines, including football, hockey and volleyball.
How do Russians feel about moving to another city in order to improve their health?
According to the results of the study, it was found that 54% of respondents do not want to change their place of residence. The remaining 46% are not averse to considering moving to another city to improve their health.
What cities do Russians consider ideal for maintaining a healthy lifestyle?
Among respondents who are ready to move, 32% consider the city of Sochi as an ideal place to improve their health. 16% of respondents want to move to Kaliningrad for permanent residence. This city was included in the TOP-5 best places in Russia, where, according to the respondents, it is most convenient to build a rational lifestyle and engage in strengthening the body.
Why do Russians want to move to the cities they named?
Survey participants consider Kaliningrad and other cities included in the TOP-5 to be the best places to live for a number of reasons:
- a large number of sunny days and good weather — these advantages were noted by 42% of respondents;
- healthy environmental conditions — 36%;
- good prospects for work-life balance — 31%;
- affordable cost of medical services — 20%;
- good opportunities for growing food and running your own farm — 19%;
- availability of healthy food products — 18%;
- the opportunity to train outdoors year-round — 13%;
- a large number of gyms and sports sections — 12%.
The poll organizers
Rabota.ru is the largest employment service that job seekers use to find work, while employers use it to select suitable personnel. More than 19.7 million resumes are available on the portal, and over 200 thousand offers with vacancies are posted monthly. The site is used by over 730 thousand employers.
RZhD-Medicine is a large-scale Russian healthcare network and a leader in occupational medicine. More than 2.5 million patients are attached to the branches of its private clinics. More than half of them are territorial population. The network staff includes more than 60,000 doctors and nurses.
RZhD-Medicine successfully combines acquired skills and innovative practices in the provision of medical care in all of its private clinics. This healthcare network operates in many high-tech areas, being equipped with cardiovascular and oncology centers, medical trains, mobile complexes and other innovations.