Sale of a two-room apartment in Brest, st. Komsomolskaya 2031092-room apartment, Brest, st. Komsomolskaya, 1957 3/3 brick, 46.7/46.4/27.8/7.5, combined bathroom, basement, balcony, double-glazed windows, inter-room doors - veneer, metal front door, ceilings - decorative beams, wagon, floors - laminate (placed on the tie), on the walls decorative brick, plaster, in the bathroom modern tiles, replaced plumbing, replaced towel dryer, acrylic bath, telephone, intercom. Apartment with individual design solutions. The apartment is located on two sides. Clean entrance. There's car parking in the yard. Gable roof. , , , . Koktysh Anna Stanislavovna. ALTERNATIVE Brest