1-room apartment, Brest, Berezovskaya St., 1993, 2/9kirpich, 35.3/33.6/18.6/7.4, bathrooms, loggia, double-glazed windows , Interior Massive (Oak), input Dover-metallic, ceilings-sneak (2.50m), floors-laminate (position), wall-oral nostrins, absanzes-replicate stamps, replaced technology, replaced technical vehicles, bath, intercom. Curon-garnet, hobal gas, oven, wardrobe. Kvartirakhoreshoshchoshchoshchyshoshcheryshoshchyshoshcheryshoshchyshoshcheryshoshchyshoshcheryshoshcheryshoshchyshoshcheryshoshchery-cheeks. Watch more and more likely to be a mo Obvyatuvyatvyuyunstvuvykviskupopypupkup an object, considered. Detective to sign a detriment-segrad Nympato 3,000 unassum.
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