Selling a plot 20.52 hundred. For LPH in the village of Kaykovo, Mikhanovichi s/s, 19 km from the Moscow Ring Road-20 minutes to drive to Lyutenant Kizhevatov St..
The village is located between the Slutsk highway and AG. Mikhanovichi, near the forest. An excellent race with M1, from which to our site 3 km-4 minutes drive.
gas runs along the street. Central Water-Street. Electricity.
there is the possibility of changing the purpose and construction of the house.
Our site can be increased by 20.52 acres of the neighboring site at a separate cost, or by 12 acres of a half located near the house -a separate cost.
There is a store in the village, next to the stop of two buses and minibuses.
we work with various types of lending:
-a system of building savings from Belarusbank;
-family capital;
-the loan and all types of lending for the purchase of the purchase Real Estate.
And also:
-sitable the bank beneficial for you;
-And we can sell your real estate to buy this.
Write to us in a messenger convenient for you:
viber | Telegram | WhatsApp
We will answer your questions, provide all the necessary information.
LLC Orion Real Estate
UNP 193609339
License to the Ministry of Justice No. 02240/436 dated 03.02.2022.
agreement No. 532/2 of 03/10/2025
Number of Circasses532/2ot2025-03-10