Land Raunapollie, Belarus

Raunapollie, Belarus, Piarezyrski sielski Saviet
Archive cost $16,000
Sold or out of date
Updated at: 08/01/2025


Country: Belarus
State: Minsk Region
Region: Pukhavichy District
City: Piarezyrski sielski Saviet
Village: Raunapollie
Address: , 1


A land plot (17 acres in the emergency zone) is for sale. There is an unfinished building on the plot.

The plot is flat. No plantings. Fenced. Regularly mowed. There is a possibility to increase the plot to 27 acres.

Good access roads. There is an electric train to Ravnopolye.

The train is a 15-20 minute leisurely walk through the village.

Agency contract number 569/1 from 2024-04-15


Raunapollie, Belarus, Piarezyrski sielski Saviet