We have analyzed the prices in all American states, and now we tell you in which of them you can buy the cheapest real estate in 2023. And we also compare how prices in these states were 3 years ago, in September 2020.

To get a clearer picture, we also compiled the top 10 states with the most expensive real estate. We conducted our research based on economic data provided by FRED.

Top 10 states with the lowest home prices (as of March 2023)


Average cost per square foot/square meter

The average cost of a 90 sq.m. apartment

1. West Virginia

$127 / $1,380


2. Mississippi

$138 / $1,500


3. Ohio

$144 / $1,565


4. Arkansas

$152 / $1,652


5. Indiana

$148 / $1,593


6. North Dakota

$150 / $1,630


7. Louisiana

$152 / $1,637


8. Kansas

$145 / $1,576


9. Kentucky

$159 / $1,728


10. Alabama

$162 / $1,760


The realtor in California talks about the threshold for entering the market, bidding for homes, and mortgage rates

What were the prices in these same states in September 2020? 


Average cost per square foot/square meter

The average cost of a 90 sq.m. apartment

1. West Virginia

$93 / $1010


2. Mississippi

$106  / $1152


3. Ohio

$111  / $1206


4. Arkansas

$105  / $1141


5. Indiana

$109  / $1184


6. North Dakota

$114  / $1239


7. Louisiana

$126 / $1369


8. Kansas

$99  / $1076


9. Kentucky

$118  / $1282


10. Alabama

$118  / $1205


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For comparison: Top 10 states with the highest home prices (as of September 2023)


Average cost per square foot/square meter

The average cost of a 90 sq.m. apartment

1. Hawaii

$690 / $7,500


2. California

$462 / $5,021


3. Massachusetts

$415 / $4,510


4. New York

$361 / $3,923


5. Rhode Island

$301 / $3,271


6. Montana

$323 / $3,510


7. Washington

$324 / $3,521


8. New Hampshire

$284 / $3,086


9. Colorado

$291 / $3,163


10. Florida

$276 / $3000
