Solded studio, an area of 22.8 sq. Mna12-meatjedomabovusobes-classes "Scandinavia." Spertured schedules Oh: Large -light, high -altapolla3.1 m. Buzoddelka. Typerykvartirsa -designed joint -bending department of thewhitebox Vodro their Korpuszhk. Zhilakomplekhkomplekhkhkombi border guards (1610G) with a Weekly enterprise-Zapadedimoskovy-plot, who is removed by the Extracofroma Gapolis, to be knocked by the priority veneration of the appliance Ishov, transportation of an accessibility of the target of theotrass, picturesque porthosataisheated-intelligent infrastructure. Domabusiness-class are built by nashevaugerehi-complex. Understanded-pollutation, separate a isolation of a design of a height of a investigation Mizons. Vethimomas are presented with quotrared formats (master, ownerrasus, dressing rooms, 2+vannyekomnata, vyudovorters, binded, increased heads). Classical Ievrormat (bucket-living room). Specially designed3Stylevkibusiness-Class Class. Invaluious vehicle vehicles are examined, multi-level underground parking-in-event. Speaking-infrastructure "Scandinavia" include the inclusive educational schools, children's schools, and supermar Arquets, trade sports centers, veterinaries, pet stores of alargia -object -facility. There is a good -aged -aged -agent Tshkolana1775 Sciences, the Magic Demolin Napesad on 220mas, the educational complex "Formula" (school550ids "" School150 flavor) —Nomorniyk "Belyyenochi." Energia "Energia" at1325 scientific -cultural complex "Holsters" (schools AN550 -DETOSKAYASADNA200 Test). Metro "Novomoskovskaya" (2023) - 700m, metro "Kommunarka" –2km, metro metro "Teplystan" –7 km, p T
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