Residential properties for sale in Minsk, Belarus page 8

2 546 properties total found

Frequently asked questions about real estate in Minsk, Belarus

Based on objective data (the number of houses built, the year of the company's foundation, business reputation, etc.), the greatest confidence of buyers is gained by such housing developers in Minsk as Minsk DSK, "A-100 Development," "Iron," "Aresa-Service," "Dana Holdings.
If we are talking about new buildings in the Belarusian capital, there is a fairly substantial difference between the cost of 1 sq.m. in standard houses and premium-class housing. In the first case, it does not exceed $ 1000-1100, while in the second case, it may reach $ 3600. At the same time, the average cost per square meter in the primary market is about $ 1380, and in the secondary - 1300.
There are no legal obstacles to buy a property in Minsk and rent it out. The procedure of renting apartments is described in detail in Chapter 8 of the Housing Code of the Republic of Belarus.