The houses are located in 1220 Vienna near the U1 Kagraner Platz and U2 Hausfeldstraße.
DREAM TERRACED HOUSES IN BREITENLEEZ Dream terraced houses in Breitenlee are for sale, which extend over three levels (ground floor/first floor/top floor), in the best quiet location of the 22nd district of Vienna. The sale takes place in a ready-to-lay condition! The unit sizes start at 105.75 m² and also have a garden/terrace. This is a building lease (currently until October 31, 2017). The monthly building lease interest starts at EUR 200, and the construction project is scheduled to be completed in March 2024. Equipment: All houses in this project will be equipped to a high standard.
- Underfloor heating (air heat pump)
- Sun protection with roller shutters (electrically operated)
- Full thermal insulation
- Triple glazing plastic windows
- Exterior walls made of fired clay bricks
Location/Infrastructure: The houses are located away from the street, which gives the residents aquiet and peaceful life on their premises. Breitenlee is easy to reach by car via the A23 motorway. The U1 Kagraner Platz and U2 Hausfeldstraße underground lines are optimally connected via bus lines 24A and 97A. Shops for everyday needs are within walking distance. edesirfs (Billa supermarket, Bipa drugstore, bakery, pharmacy, doctor, etc.) Purchase prices: from 372,484.10 EUR Commission: 3% of the purchase price + 20% VAT House 1123.43m24Rooms 433,824.60 EUR House 2126.35m24Rooms 474,016.95 EUR House 3105.75m24Rooms 372,484.20 EUR House 4124.27m24Rooms 434,963.10 EUR House 5 SOLD! House6121.82m24Rooms416,493.00EUR House7124.19m24Rooms434,992.80EUR House8126.76m24Rooms475,254.45EUR House9127.76m24Rooms441,502.05EUR House10123.54m24Rooms435,072.00EUR House11SOLD! House12134.36m24Rooms451,852.50EUR House13123.18m24Rooms434,860.80EUR Tomakeanappointmentpleasecontactusatthefollowingnumbers:———————————————Additionalcosts:Land registry entry:1,1%d.KP. Grunderwerbssteuer:3,5%d.KP.Maklerprovision:3%d.KP.+20%USt. Maklervereinbarung: WirersuchenumVerständnis,dasswirbeiAnfragenzurObjektadresse,bzw.Besichtigungstermin aufgrundneuergesetzlicherBestimmungenUnterlagenerstdannzusendenkönnen,wennSievorabbestätigen,dassSieunsersofortigesTätigwerdenwünschenundüberIhreRücktrittsrechteaufgeklärtwurden.SiebekommennachIhrerschriftlichenAnfragemitvollständigerAngabedesNamens,AnschriftundTelefonnummereinE-Mail,indemSiediesePunktebestätigenmüssen.
Haftungsausschluss: Wirweisendaraufhin,dasssämtlicheDatenimvorliegendenAngebotsowiedievonunseremBüroanSieweitergegebenenAuskünfte,vomEigentümerderImmobiliezurVerfügunggestelltwurden.EbensosindInformationenvonDritten(z.B.behördlicheInformationen)eingeholtworden,auchfürdiesekönnenwirunsererseitskeinerleiHaftungfürderenuneingeschränkteRichtigkeitübernehmen. IrrtumundÄnderungenvorbehalten!HinweisgemäßEnergieausweisvorlagegesetz:EinEnergieausweiswurdevomEigentümeror seller, after we informed them of the general obligation to submit the plan, which applies from 1 December 2012, and requested that it be drawn up, has not yet submitted it. Therefore, at least an overall energy efficiency corresponding to the age and type of the building is deemed to have been agreed. We accept no guarantee or liability for the actual energy efficiency of the property on offer. DREAM TERRACED HOUSES IN BREITENLEEZ Dream terraced houses in Breitenlee, which extend over three levels (ground floor/first floor/top floor), are for sale in the best, quiet location of the 22nd district of Vienna. The sale takes place in a condition ready for flooring! The unit sizes start at 105.75 m² and also have a garden/terrace. This is a building lease (currently until October 31, 2017). The monthly building lease interest starts at EUR 200, and the construction project is scheduled to be completed in March 2024. Equipment: All houses in this project will be equipped to a high standard.
- Underfloor heating (air heat pump)
- Sun protection with roller shutters (electrically operated)
- Full thermal insulation
- 3-pane plastic windows
- Exterior walls made of fired clay bricks
Location/Infrastructure:The houses are located away from the street, which allows the residents to live a quiet and peaceful life on their property.Breitenlee is easy to reach by car via the A23 motorway.The U1 Kagraner Platz and U2 Hausfeldstraße underground lines are optimally connected via bus lines 24A and 97A. Within walking distance to the immediate rThere are shops for daily needs nearby (Billa supermarket, Bipa drugstore, bakery, pharmacy, doctor, etc.) Purchase prices: from 372,484.10 euros Commission: 3% of the purchase price + 20% VAT House 1123.43m24 rooms 433,824.60 euros House 2126.35m24 rooms 474,016.95 euros House 3105.75m24 rooms 372,484.20 euros House 4124.27m24 rooms 434,963.10 euros House 5 SOLD! House6121.82m24rooms416,493.00EUR House7124.19m24rooms434,992.80EUR House8126.76m24rooms475,254.45EUR House9127.76m24Rooms441,502.05EUR House10123.54m24Rooms435,072.00EUR House11SOLD! House12134.36m24Rooms451,852.50EUR House13123.18m24Rooms434,860.80EUR Contact:EvgeniyaYudina ———————————————Additional costs:Land registry entry:1.1% of the purchase price. Property transfer tax:3.5% of the purchase price.Brokerage commission:3% of the purchase price + 20% VAT. Brokerage agreement: We ask for your understanding that, due to new legal regulations, we can only send documents for inquiries about the property address or viewing appointment if you confirm in advance that you want us to take immediate action and have been informed of your right of withdrawal. After your written inquiry with full details of your name, address and telephone number, you will receive an email in which you must confirm these points.
Disclaimer: We would like to point out that all data in this offer and the information passed on to you by our office were provided by the owner of the property. Information from third parties (e.g.behördlicheInformationen)eingeholtworden,auchfürdiesekönnenwirunsererseitskeinerleiHaftungfürderenuneingeschränkteRichtigkeitübernehmen. IrrtumundÄnderungenvorbehalten!HinweisgemäßEnergieausweisvorlagegesetz:EinEnergieausweiswurdevomEigentümerbzw.Verkäufer,nachunsererAufklärungüberdieab1.12.2012geltendegenerelleVorlagepflicht,sowieAufforderungzuseinerErstellungnochnichtvorgelegt.DahergiltzumindesteinedemAlterundderArtdesGebäudesentsprechendeGesamtenergieeffizienzalsvereinbart.WirübernehmenkeinerleiGewähroderHaftungfürdietatsächlicheEnergieeffizienzderangebotenenImmobilie.