When can one apply for a 2026 green card? How does one fill out the application form, and what mistakes should be avoided? What are the requirements to participate in the Green Card lottery? How do you check if you have won a green card, and what happens after that? All of this is in our comprehensive guide.

Green Card: What is It, and Why is It Useful?

A green card, also known as a permanent resident card, is an identification document that the U.S. government issues to foreigners who have been granted the right to live and work in this country permanently.

Green card holders have the same rights as citizens of the country and can enjoy all the benefits this status provides. Among them are:

  • The right to permanent residence.
  • The right to education.
  • The ability to be legally employed in the United States.
  • The ability to run their own business and own real estate.
  • Eligibility for social benefits and government assistance.
  • Ability to apply for U.S. citizenship once the requirements are met.

To apply for a green card, one must apply to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Initially, a Conditional Green Card is issued, which is valid for 2 years. After that, it can be changed to a permanent one.

How do I Get a Green Card in the United States? 

A US green card can be obtained not only through the lottery, although this is the most popular and universal way of obtaining this document. We will tell you what other ways there are:

  • Marriage to a US citizen. This method involves building a real relationship with an American and proving the non-fictitiousness of the marriage.
  • Reunification with family members. If you have close relatives in the U.S.—spouses, parents, children, brothers, or sisters—this option will work for you.
  • Work visa. You can get a green card while in the country on a work visa. To do this, your employer must provide an invitation, and then you can apply.
  • Outstanding skills. This method is suitable for successful professionals in different fields: musicians, artists, scientists, and others. It is important to prove your uniqueness and achievements.
  • Political asylum or refugee. If you are under threat or there is a war in your country, you can apply for refugee status.
  • Investing in the economy. Investing $1,050,000 or more in the U.S. economy and creating at least 10 jobs will also qualify you for a green card.

Below, we will talk in detail about the Green Card lottery, which is conducted annually by the U.S. Department of State within the framework of the Diversity Visa Program. Approximately 55,000 immigrant visas are allocated to foreign nationals each year, which gives them the opportunity to obtain a residence permit in the United States, i.e. a Green Card.

Key Requirements for Participation in the Green Card Lottery

The Green Card Lottery covers a wide range of people (people from more than 100 countries can participate) and there are almost no restrictions on participation. Participants are not required to have a special financial status. The process of participating in the lottery itself is free, and the costs associated with entering the U.S. under the program are not too high.

So, Green Card applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Have at least a complete high school education or have worked in their occupation for at least two years in the last five years. The U.S. Department of Labor's O*Net Online database is used to identify suitable occupations.
  • Have no criminal history or criminal record.
  • Be in good health and free of diseases that may pose a threat to American society.
  • Possess citizenship of the country admitted to the lottery.

Green Card Application Process

A person seeking to enter the lottery must visit https://dvprogram.state.gov/ and fill out an application form.

The online form will ask a variety of questions that the applicant must answer honestly. The scope of the questions is diverse: date of birth, family composition, intention to relocate, and so on.

The following important points should be kept in mind while filling out the enrollment form:

  • You must fill out the application form correctly and submit it on time. The application period for DV-2026 starts on October 2, 2024, and ends on November 5, 2024.
  • The application must be completed in English.
  • Only online applications will be accepted; paper versions will not be considered.
  • Even small mistakes in filling out electronic documents will not be tolerated.

Incorrect translations, names of the applicant and family members, as well as incorrect family and child information and improperly designed photographs, may result in disqualification of the application.

It is important to remember that each applicant may only submit one application. Creating multiple applications for one person to increase the chances of winning is prohibited. Violation of this rule may result in disqualification from the Diversity Visa Program.

You should also familiarize yourself with the official photo requirements for lottery entrants.

Home page before applying for a green card

Home page before applying for a green card

We start filing by filling out an application form

Start by filling out an application form

Why a U.S. Green Card May be Denied

You may be denied a green card in the following situations:

  • If the application is incomplete or incorrectly filled out, or if the required documents are missing.
  • If the foreigner has been convicted of a serious crime in any country.
  • If the applicant has a criminal record where the total term of imprisonment is five years or more.
  • If there is concealment of information or fraud in attempting to obtain a visa.
  • If there is a violation of the time limits for staying in the U.S. on previously issued visas.

Which Countries' Citizens Will Not be Able to Apply for a Green Card in 2026?

Citizens of the following countries will not be able to take advantage of this program at this time:

  • Bangladesh
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • China (including Hong Kong)
  • Colombia
  • Cuba
  • Dominican Republic
  • El Salvador
  • Haiti
  • Honduras
  • India
  • Jamaica
  • Mexico
  • Nigeria
  • Pakistan
  • Philippines
  • Republic of Korea
  • Venezuela
  • Vietnam

When Can I Apply for the Green Card in 2026, and When Can I Check the Results?

The Green Card lottery is held annually. Participants are randomly selected by a special computer program that chooses the lucky winners from thousands of applications. 
In 2024, you can apply for DV-2026 from October 2 to November 5. You will only be able to check the status of your application online starting May 3, 2025, and you will need to save your unique confirmation number.

Keep in mind that winning the lottery does not guarantee a green card. At the consulate interview, a final decision will be made about the possibility of immigrating to the US. The maximum number of visas possible is 55,000, and one country cannot receive more than 7% of the total number of visas.

Checking the status of the application

Check the status of the application