Czechs are buying dachas and country houses again. Their prices have fallen
Czechs are buying dachas and country houses again—property prices in this segment have stabilized after some fluctuations. This trend became noticeable after price spikes during the pandemic and a number of changes in market conditions.
At the beginning of the pandemic, prices for summer houses and country houses in the Czech Republic rose rapidly, reflecting the growing demand for secluded places away from the hustle and bustle of the city. However, last year, prices for such properties fell by 20%, which attracted the attention of potential buyers.
According to experts, now the prices for summer houses on average start at 1.2 million CZK (about €48,500), and you can buy a country house in the Czech Republic starting at 2.5 million CZK (about €100,000). However, to buy a house in good condition, you should expect a budget of 4 million CZK or more.
Interest in this category of real estate has revived again. According to analyst Ondřej Strada, a specialist from Bezrealitky.cz, the demand for dachas has increased by 20% compared to last year. Especially popular are those places that are easily accessible to Prague residents. For example, recreational areas like the Slapa Reservoir, where the demand for recreational real estate is even higher than last fall.
The real estate agency Lexxus Norton also notes the increased interest in real estate outside the city. According to the specialists of this agency, houses located within an hour and a half drive from a major city are especially valued.
It is worth noting that prices for out-of-town real estate, according to some resources, have decreased on average by 15-20% (and in some cases, up to 40%) compared to the record values recorded during the pandemic. However, experts warn that this “pent-up demand” may pass into the vacation season, and before the start of the next dacha season, prices may start to rise again.
The market is also seeing a growing interest in “second homes”. Such goals are most often pursued by people who currently cannot afford their own housing in the city. They invest in quality suburban real estate with the hope of its subsequent sale or move to a permanent place of residence. An important factor for such buyers is location and accessibility, as well as quiet surroundings.
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