Deep Gayrimenlul is a reliable licensed real estate agency specializing in the provision of a wide range of services in the field of purchase, sale, rental of real estate, obtaining a temporary residence permit, Turkish citizenship and a post of sale service. We are a leader among sales agencies in Mersin. Our agency guarantees the cleanliness and safety of the transaction, as well as support at all stages of investment and relocation to Turkey.
Deep Gayrimenkul was founded in 2017 by Ahmet Sechkin Oral and began its activities in the city of Mersin, so given the impeccable reputation, many years of experience and partnerships in this region of Turkey, we have a huge selection of real estate and offers individually for each of our clients.
Our specialists work in Turkish, Russian, Ukrainian, English and Arabic.
We always monitor changes in the real estate market to provide up-to-date information for our customers.
We guarantee realistic price offers to meet customer requirements.
We provide support to customers at all stages of the purchase, sale and rental of real estate.
In our social media accounts, we post daily real estate updates in. Mersin with current prices and detailed information about each object.
We help you make the right decision by helping you with issues such as investing, buying, selling or renting. Our company provokes the whole process of obtaining your temporary residence permit and Turkish citizenship.
We have been helping every client since we met. We know that there are no simple transactions, in each transaction there is a history of people, so our company and our specialists have a successful reputation, trust, positive feedback and positive recommendations.
Licensed real estate agency Deep Gayrimenkul occupies a leading position in real estate sales in Mersin and helps each client in buying / selling / renting / post sales service / obtaining citizenship.