Commercial property 533 m² in Hrodna, Belarus

Belarus, Hrodna
ID: 1123456
Property ID on Realting
Last update: 06/09/2022


  • Country
  • State
    Hrodna Region
  • City
  • Address
    Mastavaja vulica

Property characteristics

Property parameters

  • Total area
    Total area
    533 m²

Building parameters

  • Number of floors
    Number of floors


Location: g.Grodno, st. Bridge, 39 (building of the former Moravian Palace), historical center, Neman embankment. The room can be arranged for an office, a shop, a catering service, a beauty salon, medical services. The room is located in the basement (in fact & mdash; first floor) with a separate entrance and the ability to arrange the second entrance. Natural lighting. Also in the building are: BIP (Institute of Law), lounge & laquo; Keramin & raquo ;, Furniture Center, fitness room & laquo; Royal Gym & raquo ;, beauty salon & laquo; Honey Day & raquo;), it is planned to open a large medical center. Parking. It is possible to place advertising on the facade of the building. Landscaping & ndash; paving slabs, asphalt, lighting. General characteristic: Total area of the room & ndash; 533 sq.m. Ceiling height 3.12 m. Status & ndash; for clean decoration. Entrance door and windows & ndash; PVC double-glazed windows. Protective roll on the front door. Fire alarm. Communications: Power, cold water, sewage, heating & ndash; central. Water supply, electricity & ndash; for individual metering devices. Two bathrooms. It is possible to equip additional bathrooms. Cleaning room. Internet & ndash; fiber optic. Phone. Ventilation is natural.

Location on the map

Belarus, Hrodna
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