P5 loģistika (Piche)

Riga, Latvia
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About the complex

A newly-built A-Class logistics and industrial park consisting of two multi-let and multifunctional buildings, located close to Riga International Airport, 10 km from city center, with direct access to all main city transport corridors and national highways.
Updated at: 13/12/2024

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Riga, Latvia
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Riga, Latvia
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Riga, Latvia
Our business center is located in one of most sought after locations for an office in Riga. There are branches of biggest banks, cafes, restaurants, shops, insurance companies, auto repair shop and petrol station, all in less than 5 minute walking distance.
REALAT real estate
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Riga, Latvia
The year of construction 2022
City Home From 48,000 EUR (monthly loan payment from 161.21 * EUR) From 24 to 106 m2 103 Miera Street, Riga The aim of the project is to offer a quality but affordable living environment for anyone who wants to build their own home - where they can live, relax and work - while maintaining all the amenities provided by the city center. The project has 68 apartments, which are divided into one-room, two-room, three-room and four-room apartments, as well as 26 surface parking lots and 63 warehouses. Only high-quality materials are used in the construction of the multi-apartment residential complex, guaranteeing thick enough walls to sleep peacefully at night and keep you warm in winter. When booking an apartment in the first stage of project construction, you have the opportunity to choose a variant of the apartment's finishing materials from the range offered by Interbaltija. More about the project: The City Home building is energy efficient, with a modern architecture that blends into the city’s historic buildings. The total area of ​​the land is 1836 m2, but the area of ​​all apartments is 3267 m2. Along with the apartments, the supposed parts of the land are also included in the property. The yard of the project is landscaped and green with decorative plantings. It has a large, beautiful ash, a children's playground and 26 parking spaces. A modern charging station for electric cars will be installed in the yard. The project is fully adapted to accommodate people with disabilities and mothers with prams. High-speed elevators will take you from the apartment to the basement. Security is guaranteed by good lighting in the yard and video surveillance cameras installed in the stairwells. Access to the stairwell is via secure RFID cards and intercoms. All apartments are fully finished and have a 2.85m high ceiling. Some apartments have a balcony. In the attic apartments you can enjoy the natural sunlight. Energy efficiency meets the highest standards today. This is ensured by high-quality masonry partitions, double glazing, individual water and heat meters, as well as a high-quality heating unit with automatic heat supply. The City Home building will be guaranteed low utility bills in both summer and winter. All apartments have the latest generation of high-speed optical internet.
REALAT real estate
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Riga, Latvia
Price on request
The year of construction 2020
PProjekts “Mežaparka Rezidences” ir viens no vērienīgākajiem dzīvojamo īpašumu attīstības projektiem Baltijas valstīs. Tas ir unikāls ar to, ka varam izmantot pēdējo iespēju papildināt tradicionālo Mežaparku ar jaunu, saulainu un zaļu dzīvojamo rajonu 31 hektāra platībā. “Mežaparka Rezidences”- tā ir moderna infrastruktūra, ilgtspējīga arhitektūra, droša un sakārtota vide. Mēs piedāvājam iegādāties gan dzīvokļus un rindu mājas, gan plašākas savrupmājas un divģimeņu mājas, kā arī apbūves zemes gabalus privātmāju būvniecībai. Par dzīvokļiem: Mazstāvu dzīvokļu mājā Jaunā Mežaparka ielā 34 piedāvājumā ir 17 dzīvokļi platībās 35- 100 kv.m. Visi dzīvokļi plānoti ar divpusēju orientāciju - logi iziet uz vismaz divām debespusēm, kas ļauj palielināt izsauļojumu telpās. Katram dzīvoklim ir privātā ārtelpa - terase vai balkons. Fasāžu risinājumos ir atsauce uz vēsturiskā Mežaparka funkcionālismu. Iedzīvotāju ērtībām būs pieejamas noliktavas telpas pazemes stāvā. Virszemes autostāvvieta atradīsies abu ēku teritorijās. DDzīvokļu mājas nodošana ekspluatācijā- 2019. gada oktobris. Šobrīd notiek dzīvokļu rezervēšana.
REALAT real estate
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