Cozy house for sale in the city of Braslav on the shore of Lake Drivyaty (first coastline).
Vitebsk region 227 km from the Moscow Ring Road.
The two-story block house, built in 1995, is lined with bricks.
The house has five living rooms, with a large kitchen, boiler room and three storage rooms.
The house was built according to an individual design and actually has three levels.
The total area of the house is 230 sq. m, of which 100 sq. m. residential.
Local sewerage, gas heating, central water.
The windows of the house offer stunning views of the largest lake in the city – Drivyaty, which is 50 meters away.
A well-groomed, large and flat plot of 11.4 acres, on which fruit and ornamental trees are planted.
The site has a garage of 22 square meters. m.
Developed infrastructure, within walking distance: gymnasium, shops, bank, clinic, post office, cafes and restaurants.
Braslav district – is a nature reserve, a specially protected area.
There are hundreds of cleanest lakes, coniferous and deciduous forests.
There are no industrial enterprises in the area. Braslav and Braslav district – is a great place to live or organize tourism.
Possible purchase on credit.
Help selling your property, free advice and evaluation.
For more information and viewing, call.
Contract number 74/6 dated 07/29/2024
LLC "Your Mayontak" UNP 192707758 License: 02240/319 dated October 21, 2016, issued by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus