Accelerated acquisition of Turkish citizenship

Turkey Turkey
Process duration: from 5 months
Costs: from

About the Immigration Program

Benefits of Turkish Citizenship

1. Visa-free travel.

A Turkish citizen receives visa-free access in 110 countries, including South Korea, Singapore and Japan, where, if only a Russian passport is available, a visa must be issued. By the way, you do not need to refuse a Russian passport – Turkey allows dual citizenship.

2. The ability to get a Schengen C-2 visa for five years.

3. Access to the global financial system and opening bank accounts.

4. Tax incentives for business and the right to conduct business abroad.

5. Possibility of simplified relocation to the USA on a business visa E-2.

The E-2 visa is not immigration and does not directly lead to Green Card, but it allows you to live, work, and do business in America. The applicant's families can also move to the country, and the children of – receive American education.

6. The right to come to the country at any time, even if the borders are closed.

7. Direct air communication with almost the whole world.

8. The mild climate of the Mediterranean and the proximity of the sea.

9. Access to education and to Turkish state medicine.

10. The prospect of obtaining a European passport.

Turkey is on the list of candidates for accession to the European Union. Discussions are also underway to provide Turkish citizens with free entry into the Schengen countries. 

eleven. The right to participate in other investment programs.

Among the important advantages is also the fast and understandable application process, the possibility of obtaining citizenship for the whole family and the absence of the need to declare assets and income received in other states.

Terms of obtaining a Turkish passport

1. Purchase of residential or commercial real estate from $ 400,000.

Since June 13, 2022, the Turkish government has raised the value threshold for real estate for obtaining Turkish citizenship for investments. Now you need to purchase one or more real estate for a total of $ 400,000.

This is the most profitable option for capitalizing investment opportunities and the most popular way to participate in the immigration program.

It is possible to purchase several real estate objects, both residential and commercial.

Real estate can be rented for rental payments, and also sold profitably after 3 years. This will not affect the citizenship of its former owner.

In March 2021, the Turkish government adopted a number of amendments to the rules for acquiring real estate by foreign investors to obtain citizenship. A property must participate in a citizenship program through investments not more than once. 

For example, if an investor in Turkey acquired real estate, and then after the expiration of the mandatory investment period decided to sell it, then the buyer cannot count on a second passport for the purchase of this property, because he ( the object ) has already participated in the program.

Also, the property should not be sold to the previous owner. It could be a Turkish company or a Turkish citizen. If a foreign investor wants to sell the property to the Turkish developer from whom he acquired it, then the decision to obtain citizenship can be changed.

According to the latest data, the Russians are among the three leaders in the number of housing purchases in Turkey. Favorite places for acquiring real estate remain: Istanbul, Antalya and Ankara. 

2. Cash investment in the amount of $ 500000

Another way to obtain Turkish citizenship – investment in the fixed assets of a Turkish company, confirmed by the Ministry of Industry and Technology, or a deposit of at least $ 500,000 in a Turkish bank for a period of 3 years.
In addition, it is possible to purchase government bonds. The minimum investment period is also 3 years.

3. Job Creation

Creation of our own company registered in Turkey, and at least 50 jobs for a period of 3 years. For this step, confirmation of the Turkish Ministry of Labor and Social Security is necessary.

Process duration
Process duration
from 5 months
Investment Options
Rental property Rental property
Purchase of residential or commercial real estate from $400,000. Since June 13, 2022 the Turkish government has raised the threshold for the value of real estate to obtain Turkish citizenship for investment. It is now necessary to purchase one or more properties with a total value of $400,000 or more. This is the most lucrative option for capitalizing on investment opportunities and is the most popular way to participate in the immigration program. It is possible to purchase multiple properties, both residential and commercial. Property can be rented out for rent payments and also sell profitably after 3 years. This will not affect the citizenship of the former owner. In March 2021, the Turkish government has adopted a series of amendments to the rules of acquisition of real estate by foreign investors to obtain citizenship. The property should participate in the citizenship program through making an investment not more than once. For example, if the investor in Turkey has got the real estate, and then at the expiration of the mandatory investment term has decided to sell it, the buyer can not count on a second passport for the purchase of the property, because he (the object) has already participated in the program. Also, the property must not be sold to the previous owner. It can be a Turkish company or a Turkish citizen. If a foreign investor wants to sell the property to the Turkish developer from whom he bought it, the decision to obtain citizenship can be changed.
400000.00 USD
Stages of obtaining the program
Real estate in Turkey acquisition
from 15 days
Bank account opening
from 7 days
Before applying for citizenship, it is necessary to open an account in a Turkish bank and complete the investment process, i.e. to draw up the papers for the purchased real estate, open a deposit, complete the purchase of government bonds, and so on.
Residence permit issuing
from 1 month
To apply for citizenship, you must have a valid residence permit in Turkey. It is not necessary to reside in the country. The residence permit is issued immediately after making an investment.
Obtaining Turkish citizenship
from 4 months
After obtaining a residence permit, the investor can immediately apply for citizenship. The physical presence of the applicant is not required, no additional interviews are conducted. The passport can be handed to you personally in Turkey or in any other country by courier service. Once you receive the second passport, you will be able to enjoy all the benefits of Turkish citizenship.
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Other Immigration Programs
Second citizenship
Turkish Citizenship by Investment
Turkey Turkey
Immigration Program Type Second citizenship
Process duration from 3 months
Binaa Investment: Getting Turkish citizenship by investment takes place within a set of conditions and procedures, referred to the Naturalization Law amendments 2022, ratified by Turkish President Recep Erdogan earlier this year. In this article by Binaa Investment, we review the ways to …
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