The 4-room apartment is sold, an area of 92.0kv.mna26-meatjed-like-class-class "South Yyesyada." Swort-icordic planning: Large-liter, height-tap2,95m, balcony, master-pale. Poddelkadelka-Kortravorti-detachment department HITEBOXIBOZODDEDDEDDRUGYKHKOGRPUSHK. Zhilakompleks "South Yujesada" is located, Naulitsubartenevskaya. 3 stations TRO: "Buninskyallei" –1,1 km, "street -streets" –1.4 km, "Novomoskovskaya" (2023) - 1.6 km. Varzhavskoye -ikaluzhskoykhoskoss - 3km, MKAD -6.1 Km. Auditized Train -Rost -Speed -AutotorsusBV (Dubblerskad). Rederalized -based Blagodlistilostylistilostyremovoro Sosada (Concept of Architectural BureauMaparchitects): Own Park; Fruit, decorative heart -bodies, ve. Rytalozeliya, living hegrains, shrubs-stewards; amphitheater; courtyard-patiosgeoplasty; children's site-site-horseman hogorkocaldrome. The first-time, dummies, tanks, fitness deposit, salons, salons, salon-reduces are trainedIdrugiyvyvyvyvisovs. Invaluates, the appropriate infrastructure-ionayonagoguzhnayabutovo: schools, children's schools, clinics, trade, entertainment, sports and Moscow objects. Products of the deposit of builder-building 202 5:
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