The building has been completely reconstructed and restored, new supporting structures, preserving its charm and elegance, it is fully equipped with all modern technologies and provided with everything necessary for a full-fledged stay - video surveillance cameras on the stairs, a coded door lock,
… Read more The building has been completely reconstructed and restored, new supporting structures, preserving its charm and elegance, it is fully equipped with all modern technologies and provided with everything necessary for a full-fledged stay - video surveillance cameras on the stairs, a coded door lock, a manager who is available around the clock, doors with built-in steel plates, an elevator, air conditioners, a ventilation system, a security alarm and snow removal in winter.
The apartments or offices have a luxury finish - wall painting done by artists, hand-painted, high-quality plumbing.
Prestigious neighbors: the residents who already own apartments in this house are intelligent people of Latvian and Russian nationalities.
The premises on the 1st floor are ideal for a small business (cafe, restaurant, shop, etc.) or a representative office.
- 1st floor 90.2 m2. with a front window.
- basement 30 m2
- Additionally, you can rent or buy a room measuring 41 m2.
The house is located at arm's lengthfrom Domskaya Square, where social life is in full swing at night.
Nearby are exclusive shops and cafes, convenient public transport.
The house was completed in 1910, its decorative design can be recognized as late Art Nouveau with elements of neoclassicism.