What do you recall: New Communications Affairs of the Development of Office: completion of completion is planned by 2024. The first -first time of 30%. Improvablerassrchokadsa building. Royon \ beach: Makhmutlartorzamy, Odynysmyamy Popular radio ovalinaniyanaberegrazredihogorsmore, Extremely Yagortoros, B.9 Occentralo -Gorodaiv30kmotaer Porta -Sopagi. Current: next to the central centers, tattoo -loving permarkets, grocery marketers2 Razvanedel, parks, sportswear, p Estrushaikafe, various such men, beautifully -naberet, equipped with busy and construction -facilities of the objects of an ocular infrastructure. Culture complex: on -assembly -territory -territory of the 10 -storey, residential clinic, Aquarius, AKV Apark, Square, and Verborn -Clead, Player Plant, Electro -Generator, Garden, Open Parakovokadlyavo. Vitriyuhiyatriyatriyatriyatriyatriye: Apartments are presented with a stationary proofing. Intercessor planning:
1+1 -plane -jacket53M2
2+1 Perevyaduyud96M2
Penthaus2+1i3+1 Perevyaduyotuot105IOT182M2 HOLY RESPECTIONALA Kahbaspaid, after -sales service. Completely interesting: New Aparticulum -Acticuraionemachmutlar, Sinfrastructure, for Investigation, Close -Kmorye, Centerualiaiiport.