Residential properties for sale in Sofia, Bulgaria

208 properties total found

Frequently asked questions about Sofia real estate

Sellers ask for a square meter of housing in Sofia from 1000 to 2500 euros. The maximum prices are for real estate in the central parts of the city. On the outskirts the cost per square meter decreases to 1000-1200 euros.
Prices are also determined by the newness of the properties. They are 10-20% higher for housing in new buildings than for houses and apartments of the old stock.
Iztok and Ivan Vazov are suitable for comfortable living. These are central districts of the city with well-developed social infrastructure.
For living away from the hustle and bustle of the city you can consider Lozenets. This is an elite countryside location surrounded by park areas. There is an active sale of real estate in Sofia of different types: houses, cottages, apartments.
Foreigners may purchase apartments and apartments in any quantity. Restrictions apply only to the purchase of detached real estate in Sofia. It can be purchased by foreigners who have registered a legal entity or EU citizenship.