A two -room apartment is sold in the village of Sloboda Nesvizhsky district 110 km from the Moscow Ring Road.
The total area of the apartment is 51.9.m2, residential 30.6 m2;
large kitchen - 10.1 m2;
living rooms- 18.3.m2, 12.3 m2, entrance hall- 5.7 m2, dressing room- 5.7 m2;
Hot water supply and heating from an individual gas double -circuit boiler;
Overhaul was carried out in 2018;
On the floor laminate, tiles (bathroom), stretch ceilings.
In the entrance on the floor there is a basement (closed) for storing bicycles, strollers, etc. And also near the house there is a brick bar 5*4 m.
Good transport communication: electric train. Bus and route taxi. The distance to Nesvizh is 15 km. To Baranavichy- 18 km, to again- 3 km. There are shops, a health and physical education center, a bank, a clinic, a school and a kindergarten.
Call, we agree on a convenient viewing time for you, we will answer all the questions of interest!
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The contract number with agency 1/3 of 2024-01-04