Apartment Katowice, Poland

Poland, Katowice, Katowice
Price on request
ID: 3219656
Property ID on Realting
Last update: 28/02/2025


  • Country
  • State
    Silesian Voivodeship
  • Region
    Gornoslasko-Zaglebiowska Metropolia
  • City
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Property description

Are you looking for a safe place to park your car or store important things?That's great!We offer a garage for sale in a great location - Katowice, ul. Załęska 58!Offer available only on Estatestreet! 

This spacious 18 m² garage is the perfect solution for anyone looking for a safe place to store their car or additional storage space. Thanks to its solid construction and appropriate height, any passenger car will easily enter it.

The garage is equipped with an electrical installation, which significantly increases the comfort of use, giving the possibility of connecting electrical devices such as chargers or lighting. This is also an important convenience when you plan to use the space not only for a car, but also for storing tools or household appliances.

Safety at the highest level! The garage is located in a quiet area, which provides additional comfort and protection of your property. Thanks to the solid doors and safe location, your car will be fully protected from weather conditions and potential threats.

Location that makes a difference! The garage is located in a well-connected part of Katowice - in just 5 minutes you will reach national road 79, which provides quick access to the city center. Additionally, the A4 motorway is only 4 km from the property, which allows for a quick connection to the main routes in the region. The proximity of the main road arteries makes the garage also ideal for people commuting from nearby towns. I am a driver myself, so I know how important it is to get to your destination quickly and without any problems!

A garage of this size is the perfect solution for anyone who values ​​space and functionality. You can safely enter and park any passenger vehicle in it, and also easily accommodate additional items such as bicycles, tools or equipment sports.

PRICE: PLN 20,000 Monthly rental cost: PLN 130 (payment to UMKatowice) Please contact me for a presentation!****EnglishVersion****Areyoulookingforasecureplacetopark yourcarorstoreyouressentials?Thenthisisagreatplace!Weofferforsaleagarageinanexcellentlocation-Katowice,58ZałęskaStreet!OfferonlyavailableatEstatestreet!Thisspacious18m²garagei stheperfectsolutionforanyonelookingforasecureplacetostoretheircaroradditionalstoragespace.Thankstoitssturdyconstructionandsuitableheight,anypassengercarcaneasilyenterit.Thegarageisequippedwithanelectricalsystem,whichsignificantlyincreasesthecomfortofusebyprovidingthepossibilityofconnectingelectricdevicesssuchaschargersorlighting.Itisalsoanimportantconveniencewhenyouplantousethespacenotonlyforyourcar,butalsoforstoringtoolsorhouseholdequipment.Securityatthehighestlevel!Thegarageislocatedinaquietneighbourhood,whichprovidesextracomfortandprotectionforyourbelongings.Withasoliddoorandsecurelocation,yourcarwillbefullyprotectedfromtheweatherandpotentialhazards.Alocationthatmakesadifference!ThegarageislocatedinanexcellentlyconnectedpartofKatowice-injust5minutesyouwillreachnationalroad79,whichprovidesquickaccesstothecitycentre.Inaddition,theA4motorwayisonly4kmfromtheproperty,allowingforquickconnectionstothemainroutesintheregion.Theproximitytothemainroadarteriesalsomakesthegarageidealforcommutersfromthesurroundingareas.I'madrivermyself,soIknowhowimportantitistohaveaquick,hassle-freecommute!Agaragewiththismuchspaceisidealforanyonewhoappreciatesspaceandfunctionality.Youcansafelyenterandparkanypassengervehicleinit,aswellaseasilyaccommodateadditionalitemssuchasbicycles,toolsorsportsequipment.PRICE:PLN20.000Themonthlyleasecostis:PLN130(paymenttoUMKatowice)Iinviteyoutocontactmeandtothepresentation!KONTAKT:JakubGuzińskiSpecjalistads.nieruchomościRealEstateExpertT:(M:informacjedotycząceofertyoraznieruchomościniepublikowanenaportalachinternetowychznajdąPaństwonastronie:www.estatestreet.plOferujemyrównieżbezpłatnąusługędoradztwakredytowegopozwalającąnauzyskaniekredytuhipotecznegonapreferencyjnychwarunkach.Zapraszamydokontaktuprzezformularzdostępnynastronieinternetowej.

Location on the map

Poland, Katowice, Katowice
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