Penthausamvsamentrevenes! Nearby Avorozokurg!
Luxurious Penthussbassin, Fitness Studio, Garajomipanorammal Invalus-Exclusive Military Equipment of the Sur ASSISHIEN! Ethystistoric Uglovod, built by the Yokhanno-Ramanohaavstustoshvendenin, B1872/73 Gododydlyagratominikinski, is in the way a comprehensive reconstruction implies. Marking the Fullance of Styleneo-Voyrencensances will be fulfilled by a full-they-navigation of aperturesovyesysovyesovyesovyesovye-prime-wrapped beauty Those -based characteristics of an object:
- living area: ~ 329 m²
- terraces: ~ 45 m², including its own pool
Basic Evidence: ✔ Prestigious Redness-1st-Ruonavianno
✔ Elite-pivot-Parquitizovoderev, glossy, plumbing Villery & Boch
✔ Overalnology-Polypodogrev, and conditioning, triple-nostrobli Package Opening
✔ Privatewellness Center- Fitness room, wine-grabbing department of the room
✔ СистемаSmartHome –управление отоплением,освещениемидругимифункциямиОтоплениеиохлаждение:Вовсёмзданиииспользуется газоваясистемаотопления,однаковпентхаусепредусмотрены современныетепловыенасосы,сплит-системаипотолочноеохлаждение,обеспечивающие максимальныйкомфорт.Окнаизащитаотсолнца:Внешниежалюзи непредусмотрены,однакоокнаоснащены специальнымстеклом,отражающим до80%солнечногосвета.Внутриимеютсявыводыдля электрическихжалюзи,которыеможноустановитьпожеланию.Планировка:Первыйуровень:Выпопадаетев просторныйхолл,гдевасвстречает впечатляющий7 , A 5-meter-term water supply:
- utility room
- Three bedrooms, each with its own dressing room and bathroom equipped with a double washbasin, shower, bathroom and toilet
Second level:
- Light access through the elevator or wide staircase
- Residential zone (142 m²) with a fireplace creating a cozy atmosphere
- premium kitchen with modern household appliances
- exit to the terrace
third level:
- Gallery (23 m²) - an ideal place for a cabinet or a secluded recreation area
- Dachterras (15 m²) with your own pool - enjoy a unique view of Vienna
Additional affection : ✔ Availability of Besbarriers —Net-iterates the inaccessible access to the toe to the koices
✔ General zones-a fitness center, lounge-space of the unprofitable measures (up to35 man)
✔ Environmental vehicle-an electric car for the use of a vehicle of alarmous transport, a reciprocal-transportation household t: ???? Metro: U1, U2, U3, U4
???? Tram: 1,2,71, D ???? Price: 8.500.000eur
???? Commission: 3%+20%of the impregnation of the unique -penthusavistoric centers to become a mobility! ???? Contact SS-Zheizellenkova for the PROTOLETION-FULTIC-Formation of the INSUSISSISSISSISSION:
???? ???? Note: Information pre -warning, agency -plot of liability of the possible changes. Intercession of the establishment of the region.