Property for sale in Katowice, Poland

17 properties total found

Where to buy Katowice real estate?

The most convenient places for living are rural areas — Nikishovets and Gishovets. They offer a well-developed infrastructure, high-quality construction and a clean environment due to their proximity to parks. In these areas of Katowice, you can buy real estate mainly in the old building, since most of the houses were built a century ago. 

However, there are plenty of offers in the new buildings right in the centre of the city. First of all, pay attention to houses for sale in Katowice areas such as the French Park and Podlesie. They have a lot of elite apartments on offer. 

What is the average price of housing in Katowice?

Prices for local housing vary depending on its location and technical condition. The most expensive property is situated in the city centre. The cost of a square metre here reaches 1,500-2,000 euros. 

It is much cheaper to buy housing in suburban areas of Katowice: 

  • Pietrowice — the price of a square metre is about 1,100 euros; 
  • Paderewski — 1,000 euros; 
  • Murkash — 800 euros. 

Can foreign citizens get a residence permit when buying a property in Katowice? 

Polish legislation doesn’t provide such an opportunity for foreigners. A house in Katowice may only make it easier for a certain category of citizens to obtain the necessary document in the future. These include foreign entrepreneurs, students and highly qualified specialists working in Poland under an official contract.

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