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Aparthotel in Montenegro for sale
In the center of Sutomore, just 300 meters from the main beach, 6-8 minutes walk along the plain and in the urbanized part of the city there is an object for business and accommodation - an apartment hotel with 8 rooms.
Eight landscaped apartments ( 3 ) and studio apartments ( 5 ) are for sale within the existing tourist destination.
The location of the house is extremely convenient: 250 m from the bus station, 450 m from the train station and 37 km from Podgorica airport.
A supermarket is 25 meters away and a restaurant is nearby.
Opposite the villa is another local restaurant. At 200 meters, there is a megamarket « Will » with a large assortment of products and ATMs on the track, and at 150 meters the megamarket « Aroma », the megamarket « Franz » and « Green » market. Not far from home is the clinic and post office.
Aparthotel Capacity:
The house consists of fully equipped apartments ( two double and one five-seater ) with separate kitchens and five triple studios with a shared kitchen.
The total registered usable area of the building is 192 sq.m.,
it has 24 beds ( + 2 additional ).
All apartments and studios have air conditioning and contain: appropriate furniture, TVs, internet, a fridge for food and drinks, separate bathrooms and terraces with garden furniture. In addition to the listed Apartments and Studios, there is also a laundry room, as well as a pantry for other needs ( washing, hygiene products, etc. ). In addition, there is parking for five parking spaces in front of the house.
The land ( 1 owner ) in front and behind the building has a total area of 120 m2 and consists of: an entrance track and a part of the garden with two garden headsets belonging to two-room apartments, as well as landscaped gardens with free « green » territory.
In the evening, the garden is highlighted. Also, part of the garden is designed for drying clothes. It is also significant that on the declared area of the site about 100 m2 behind the house there is the possibility of building and expanding the existing building.
Due to the excellent location, appearance and equipment of the facility, apartments and studios, over the years the hotel has provided guests with quality tourist services on a mutually beneficial basis in full as in the main tourist season, and outside the tourist season.
When buying, the lawyer of our agency makes the buyer and his family a residence permit in Montenegro
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