500 m from the river. Vyach, in s/t & quot; Forest Polyana-05 & quot;, Belaruschsky village council
a new solid cottage is sold (192.00/103.00/20.00). Year of construction - 2019.
Roof & mdash; Metal profile (iron), walls - g/s block (25x50),
foundation - reinforced concrete. 1st floor + attic, there is a basement.
Electricity wiring in the house, an electric pole near the site,
central water supply and gas along the street (5 m), the tank for the sewage is smuggled, sewer pipes are brought to the house.
external and partially interior decoration.
1 floor: 3 living rooms (18.3; 17.6 and 40.7 sq.m), hallway, agricultural; Attic: 2 living rooms (22.4 and 42.6 sq.m), second agricultural Base & mdash; 20.9 sq.m + stairs. The plot is 7.72 acres, fenced from the side of the neighbors, from the side of the road a concrete foundation for the fence is flooded. PVC windows, metal front door. Birches grow on the site.
Plot in the PNV, a house in private property. Around the agricultural forest, next to & mdash; River Vyacha (500 m). Excellent access roads to s/t: asphalt to the partnership and a dirt road along s/t. Bus stop-800 m to s/t (4 times a week, Slavinsky-90 Slavinsky St.). Near 2 food stores & mdash; 1.5 km and 2 km. To the village of Belaruschi & Mdash; 3 km, 21 km from the Moscow Ring Road.
A great place for year-round rest in nature.
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Number of Copecutionary Summaria2569/3ot2024-12-26