A unique location next to Pobediteley Avenue and the Olympic Arena.
The premises with a total area of 259.8 m2 are located at the address: Minsk, Ratomskaya St. 7 on the 2nd floor of the stylobate in the residential complex "Braslavsky".
The premises are perfect for an office, services, trade, etc.
You can make repairs at your own discretion, and the landlord will provide a rent holiday.
There are 2 spacious bathrooms.
Natural light.
High ceilings.
Terrace overlooking the Olympic Arena.
24/7 access.
Nearby there is a large parking lot and many street retail facilities (salons, shops, catering, etc.).
Utilities are provided: electricity, water, heating.
Rental cost per 1 sq. meter 14.5 euros.
Utility bills are paid additionally.
Contact us for detailed information and to arrange a viewing
You do not pay for the real estate agency service.