Земельные участки Glazaniskiai, Литва

Glazaniskiai, Литва


  • Страна
  • Область / штат
    Паневежский уезд
  • Район
    Паневежский район
  • Деревня
  • Адрес
    Panevezio aplinkl

Характеристики объекта

Коммунальные службы / Экологически чистая энергия


  • Есть

Элементы экстерьера

Дорожное покрытие:

  • Асфальтированная дорога


COMMERCIAL SKLYP WITH THE IMPACT BEFORE THE PANEVANT ENVIRONMENT. DEPARATE EXCLUSIVE – ADOPTION FOR THE COMMERCIA FOR THE LOSS OF HA 2 HA TELLOW AND BESIRIBBAL STATE! A large 13.25-hectare plot for sale consists of three bordering plots near the Pineapple detour, just 1 km from the A10 road connecting Panecase and Latvia. The plots fall into the infrastructure development area of the general plan road infrastructure of the municipality of the prepared Panevasi district. The approval of the municipal architecture department for the purpose of the plots to commercial (kita) was obtained by indicating the required nature of the use. Excellent visibility from the highway is important for any successful business development! ADVANTAGES ⚫ Very good location for commercial activities; ⚫ New 1 km long level; ⚫ Several comfortable entrances; ⚫ The plots contain electricity; ⚫ Own 2-hectare embroidered body of water; ⚫ Smooth terrain; ⚫ Silent embankment for noise suppression from the Pineapple bypass; ⚫ There are registered buildings ( residential and auxiliary farm destination, sauna on the pond bank); ⚫ Proper development of warehouses, production workshops (nice), rural tourism, hotels, entertainment parks. GENERAL INFORMATION ⚫ Address: Pineapple r. self., Bears k.; ⚫ Total area: 13.252 ha, consisting of three plots: - 8.4546 ha; - 2.9973 ha; - 1.8000 ha. ⚫ Land performance score 46; 49.9 and 28.4; ⚫ Measurements are preliminary and can be reformed as needed to adapt to their activities and architectural fulfillment; ⚫ Destinations: Agriculture that can be changed to commercial. RELEASE ⚫ 1 km - A10 road (Paneancer - Latvia); ⚫ 10 km - Pineapple; ⚫ 31 km - Leverage; ⚫ 57 km - Latvian border; ⚫ 122 km - Kaunas; ⚫ 149 km - Vilnius. Possibility to examine the area 360 views from the bird's flight (press on the reference): https://nt360.lt/nt/230619/ Reference to Video: https://nt360.lt/nt/Panevezys.mp4?fbclid=IwAR3ZKd20RwxjyaiwJIv7YbdihMqoLMfbpS8zCbM7KG25y3DCrBolitClZdM COORDINATES OF SECTION: 55.805426, 24.347593 https://goo.gl/maps/Ystb2UwCgrshGpxk7 WE CAN SEE! Are you going to decide on real estate? Want to sell or buy, rent or rent? Need a MATININK, VALUE or APDAILINEER? Contact - I find the most appropriate solution and will provide help! Consultations are free! You can also apply on weekends! With respect, your real estate broker Agne Kuchinskien. Mob. +37068282088 All the latest CAPITAL real estate ads can be found on our website at www.capital.lt. We invite you to visit!
Обновлено: 11.05.2024

Местонахождение на карте

Glazaniskiai, Литва
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