Where are the cheapest apartments for sale in the Netherlands: top 10 cities
In which cities in the Netherlands can you buy real estate the cheapest? In our material, you will find information on these cities and the average cost of housing there.
The Netherlands — it is not only Amsterdam. There are more than 20 cities in this country, and property prices in each of them are different. We found out in which cities in this country you can buy cheaper apartments, and we share this information with you. The analysis we conducted was based on data provided by the largest database, Numbeo.
By the way, in the Netherlands, there are no restrictions on foreigners buying property. However, to obtain a mortgage loan, you must live in the Netherlands and be registered in the municipality (gemeente). Read about the requirements and the possible size of the loan here.
Top 10 cities with low housing prices (if you buy housing not in the center)
Where can you find cheaper apartments in the Netherlands if central location is not so important? The answer is in the table below.
City |
Tilburg |
Almere |
Leeuwarden |
Enschede |
Best |
Rotterdam |
Maastricht |
Arnhem |
Dordrecht |
Alkmaar |
Top 10 cities with low housing prices (if you buy in the center)
Let's list the cities in the Netherlands, in the center of which you can buy residential property at budget prices.
The cost of a “square” |
Enschede |
Tilburg |
Best |
Almere |
Apeldoorn |
Alkmaar |
Facts about Datch cities
A few facts about each of these cities:
- Leeuwarden. The dancer and spy Mata Hari was born in this city; every year Domino’s Day is held here; and there is a monument to a cow in the city.
- Best. Before the 19 century, this municipality did not exist; it was formed by the merger of three small villages. The production centers of Philips Healthcare and Bata Protection are located here.
- Alkmaar. Alkmaar is known as the «cheese» city of Holland: There is a cheese market and even a cheese museum. The city also houses the world’s largest Beatles museum.
- Maastricht. The Netherlands’ oldest city and culinary capital. Every year, in March, an international exhibition of tattooing is held here.
- Tilburg. Tilburg is known as the city of textiles, and there is a famous textile museum, the Textilmuseum. Tilburg is also known for its ten-day entertainment fair, which is held annually in July.
- Enschede. Enschede is located near the border with Germany and is called the greenest city in the Netherlands.
- Rotterdam. An innovative city with interesting architecture, such as the famous Cube Houses. Also, the city has the biggest port in Europe.
- Arnhem. Arnhem is known as a fashion city; it even has its own «fashion district». And Arnhem has one of the oldest wine cellars in Holland.
- Almere. This is the youngest city in the Netherlands. There is one of the most beautiful nature reserves in the Netherlands, the Oostvaardersplassen, as well as an area in Almere where all the streets are named after famous comic book characters and cartoonists.
- Dordrecht. It is both an island city and a city on the water, and it is located on five rivers. Because of this, it is known for a multitude of stunning canals.
- Groningen. The city is very lively, as many students live there. Every year in the fall, there is a nine-day theater festival called «Jonge Harten».
- Apeldoorn. The city is home to the 17th-century palace of Het Loo, which was once the home of William III, King of England.
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