The 3-room apartment is sold, an area of 79.5kv. MNA10-METAZHDOMABUSTOMABUSHZHK "Scandinavia." Swortzardic planning: Bigolokna, high-altarum 2,99m, master-spell, terrace. Buzotelki. Veduvartykvartirsiyspriyspr Otchistovoyeads of the wwhitebox vodrugkhkhkhkhkhkhkkhk.zhilakomplekkhkomplekkhkomplet-border-granular flesh (1610G) vacologically unpleasant-west-jealous-plot, who is removed by the Extracofroma Gapolis, to knead the predocuration of it Herodes. Great-Balance-Balancezhiliyervis, transportation of an accessibility of the Foresteads, Picture-Praise School of Extreme Internstrastructure. Domabusiness-class are built-up-euminological complexes. Incurous constituity is formed by the veno, both Substacle-fast-and-steam-in-and-a-a-aids-and-aimedly submitted format-core formats (master, ownerrasses, dressing rooms, 2+vannyecomonati, view-over, binded, enlarged head). Classical Ievro-format (pkitchen-living room). S specially developed, 3-sequelkibovnes-class. Oil-owned bypass, anestious, multi-level underground parkingalifte. Speaking anchics "Scandinavia" include inclusive Educational schools, children's schools, supermarkets, trade sports centers, veterinaries, pet stores of alargia -objected life. There is a good -country -state doll NTRs, cafes, salons, services, workshop will work1775 scientists, the Magic Demolin nursery on 220mas, the educational complex "Formula" (school550ids "" Belynuchi ". Energy" Energia "for1325 scientists Ikovo -educational complex "Holste" (School of School550ids "Self -Service200 City). Test. metro" Novomoskovskaya "(2023) - 700m, metro station" KO MMUNARKA "–2km, the metro station" Teplystan "–7 km, the metro" Buninskyalleya "–5.5 km, the Moscow Ring Road, Kaluga -Moshossa - 2.9 km. Promotion -Moscow.Suppletion of a build -building 2025:
Promotion: Discount7%nakvartirodololkodokodsamart!
Discount5%for family awaiting a compartment! (Summarized by scurry)*
Buyikopy! The c-a-vein drill use!
“Family Iskothek” returned. It is anger in 2.99%of the landing!
*more orformation-information of the deposit of the core of the vegetation of the vegetation of the construction of the builder: 23K-23.6-710