Sklep Nadrenia Północna-Westfalia, Niemcy



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    Nadrenia Północna-Westfalia

Charakterystyka obiektu


A shopping center with 35 tenants for sale. Main tenants: Netto Marken Discount, Rossmann, Woolworth, City Ravto banya.

Rental income 1.1 million euros.

The facility was modernized according to the new concept. There is an exit to the B229 highway, which facilitates communication witht he rest of the city's districts and main facilities. On one side of the shopping center is adjacent to the stop of 8 transportl ines.The object is located in the city of Arnsberg with a population of about 74 thousand inhabitants. The pulp, chemical, electrical and logisticsi ndustries, metalworking, production of sports and police weapons are flourishing in the city.

There is an exit to 2 autobahns.

Zaktualizowano: 27.02.2024

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