Działki 75 000 m² Gruzja, Gruzja



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Usługi komunalne / Czysta energia


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With exclusive rights !!! It is put up for sale or partially exchanged for real estate, with an additional amount from the buyer !!! 7.5 ha (75 000 m2) with Rkatsiteli vine planted on it. In Gurjaani district, village. In Melaani, 4 km from the Ambassador of Kachreti. Distance from the main road 4 km. 6.5 ha of this. A vineyard is cultivated; 1 ha. There is a free plot of land (it is possible to add 3 hectares of free land to the surrounding area). 6-year-old planted so-called vine. "Plan", 207 rows, distance between rows 3 meters. 14,000 feet, not missed. All 100 meters long. Yield this year: 77 tons; Irrigation canal and e. Energy in 800 meters. On acacia poles, stainless wire. A perfectly maintained vineyard, cleared, goes the way of good soil. The views are beautiful. Price: 130 000 USD. Dollars, equivalent in GEL. Tel: 592 727200; 592 727247;
Zaktualizowano: 08.09.2022

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