Commercial real estate Jaunā Mežaparka 34

Riga, Latvia
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PProjekts “Mežaparka Rezidences” ir viens no vērienīgākajiem dzīvojamo īpašumu attīstības projektiem Baltijas valstīs. Tas ir unikāls ar to, ka varam izmantot pēdējo iespēju papildināt tradicionālo Mežaparku ar jaunu, saulainu un zaļu dzīvojamo rajonu 31 hektāra platībā. “Mežaparka Rezidences”- tā ir moderna infrastruktūra, ilgtspējīga arhitektūra, droša un sakārtota vide. Mēs piedāvājam iegādāties gan dzīvokļus un rindu mājas, gan plašākas savrupmājas un divģimeņu mājas, kā arī apbūves zemes gabalus privātmāju būvniecībai. Par dzīvokļiem: Mazstāvu dzīvokļu mājā Jaunā Mežaparka ielā 34 piedāvājumā ir 17 dzīvokļi platībās 35- 100 kv.m. Visi dzīvokļi plānoti ar divpusēju orientāciju - logi iziet uz vismaz divām debespusēm, kas ļauj palielināt izsauļojumu telpās. Katram dzīvoklim ir privātā ārtelpa - terase vai balkons. Fasāžu risinājumos ir atsauce uz vēsturiskā Mežaparka funkcionālismu. Iedzīvotāju ērtībām būs pieejamas noliktavas telpas pazemes stāvā. Virszemes autostāvvieta atradīsies abu ēku teritorijās. DDzīvokļu mājas nodošana ekspluatācijā- 2019. gada oktobris. Šobrīd notiek dzīvokļu rezervēšana.
Updated at: 13/12/2024

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Riga, Latvia
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The year of construction 2020
HOFT - House Of the Flying Trees! Inspired by Nature Itself Hoft (House Of the Flying Trees) is the home of hovering trees. Additional information Concept It is the triunity of the green view of world, respect towards the city history and its architecture. The modern city, and especially, the streets of the historic center is so lacking wildlife in the form of plants and trees, often streets do not even have the spatial possibilities to solve this problem. The only solution is to try moving the trees on the buildings. Hoft project is a unique opportunity to carry over the trees and green in the modern volume of the façade and a new volume of inner yard of the buildings, creating floating gardens in the historic city center, breathe a new view about the possibility of living together and proximity to nature, regardless of the floor of the residence. Implementation of the Concept Pine trees of various kinds - cedar, mountain pine, various bonsai trees are mounted on the central façade, in the courtyard, on the terraces and additional structures, thus creating a private park for the residents of the house, a green oasis in the very city center. This is a reflection on the topic of how we cannot just preserve the nature in the city, but also increase it using the modern technology. Installation leaves an extremely strong impression of trees growing in the natural environment, on the peaks and slopes of the mountains. Architecture Careful restoration of the historic façade, installation of trees as part of the architecture of the building, structural glazing as a mirror reflecting the surrounding historic building and serving as the podesta for the trees installation. As the volume saying: I'm not here, I will only give the opportunity to admire the surrounding world outside and inside themselves. HOFT is a project in which landscaping does not just complement the architecture, but is inspiring, intertwined with forms, creating new volumes, becomes one with the facades. An absolutely unique hovering oasis is positioned over the carefully preserved and restored historic façade like a glass showcase holding the designer objects, the nature itself acting as its creator. Opening the door of the historic building with a completely classical façade from the 19th century, you enter the courtyard that is an example of modern architecture being so unusual that it gives the impression that you have opened the door to the wonderful hidden world as in the Lewis Carroll´s story Alice in the Wonderland. Description The HOFT project is located at Strelnieku 5 on a 1212 square meters landscaped area. The Project consists of two residential apartment buildings with 7 floors each, connected by underground parking for 23 places. The Strelnieku Street building is an architectural monument undergoing renovation and having two built-on floors. The yard building is newly built. The Project includes 42 apartments, their surface ranging from 76 m2 to 232 m2, with an apartment merging possibility. All the apartments have balconies of no less than 1.80 m in width, large bright windows and low sill windows allowing for a magnificent view of the courtyard and trees. Ceiling height is 2.90 m, in the penthouse apartments it is 3.00 meters. When designing the HOFT, parameters exceeding those determined by the construction regulations of the European Union and meeting the advanced requirements of reliability and comfort were laid to its design basis, thus allowing the Project to be placed as the Premium class.
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