For sale 5 bedroom apartment, with an area of 164.2 square meters. m on the 2nd floor of the comfort-class house in the LCD "Prokshino". Functional apartment: large windows, ceiling height 0.0 m, terrace.
Pre-purity finish: white box. There are options for apartments with design and without decoration in other buildings of the LCD.
The residential area "Prokshino" is being built on the shore of a large pond, 500 meters from the existing metro station. The coastline will run along the houses for almost a kilometer. A large business quarter with a shopping center and a sports and event cluster with a ski slope will appear near. Residents of Prokshino will receive a full and diverse infrastructure – both in the area itself and within walking distance.
On the first floors of the houses will open shops, network supermarkets, cafes, restaurants, household services, medical clinics, a fitness center with a swimming pool and other facilities. Two kindergartens ( for 220 places each ), a built-in kindergarten for 100 kids, two educational complexes will be built: in each school for 1350 and a kindergarten for 350 places. In addition, kindergartens and a school of the 2nd district of the Spanish Quarter residential complex will be located within walking distance".
Art. metro « Prokshino » – 500 m, SBV – 100 m, Kiev highway – 3 km, Kaluga highway – 3 km, MKAD – 7.6 km.
- Mortgage 3% without cost
- Family mortgage from 0.01% for the entire period with life insurance, without life insurance 1.1%. Initial installment of 15%
- Mortgage without down payment
There are also other mortgage programs in more than 15 partner banks
- Trade-in A101.
We take care of selling your old – apartment in Moscow and the regions.
- Special offer using maternal capital when buying an apartment in the areas of GK « A101 ». To the amount of your maternal capital we will add up to 1,049,000 rubles, the amount depends on the face value of your certificate and on the number of rooms in your chosen apartment. The amount of maternal capital will double if you choose a spacious 5-room apartment for your friendly family!
Building Base Article: 58K-5.1.2-440
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