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An old stone house is sold at walking distance (15 minutes) to the historical center of Kotor. The house is located right on the first line of the picturesque Bay of the Bay, its main facade is facing the sea. In front of the house there is a parking for 2 cars, which, if desired, can be expanded at the expense of the adjacent yard. The house also has a terrace with a covered veranda and a kitchen for a restaurant located on the ground floor of the house. Two orange trees grow in the courtyard. Three -story house with an attic. The total area of the house is about 300 sq.m, the plot is 291 sq.m. The first floor used to be a restaurant, the kitchen is equipped with everything necessary for servicing customers of a full restaurant. You can climb the external stone staircase to the upper floors. On each floor, one apartment with an area of 55 - 60 square meters with two bedrooms, two bathrooms and a kitchen -living room with a view of the bay. The height of the ceilings in apartments is 2.6 meters. The attic is represented by one large room with a separate bathroom with the entrance from the landing and an attic with a view of the bay.If desired, each of the apartments can be divided into two hotel rooms in half. In the restaurant on the ground floor, you can place the reception, while preserving enough space for work as a restaurant or cafe in a mini-hotel. The most promising use of the house in this case will be a boutique hotel. The location of the house has a favorable geographical position, as it is located near 3 airports (Dubrovnik, Podgorica and Tivat). In the city itself, absolutely all the infrastructure necessary for a long life is formed: there are shops, pharmacies, status restaurants and numerous cheap cafes. And right near the city walls is one of the most famous coastal food markets, which presents a huge range of meat, fish, vegetables and fruits, dairy products produced directly in Montenegro. The Kotorsky region is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List and includes the internal Boka-Kotor Bay (through the Veriga Strait) with the surrounding mountains, as well as the city of Risan and Perast.The islands of Sveti-Jordge and Gosp-OD-Shkrpiel also belong to the world heritage. In July 2000, the Boka-Kotor Bay (the only Mediterranean Sea on the coast) was included in the list of the twenty-five most beautiful bays of the world. Location: Kotor
House Square: 320 sq.m. Square of the site: 291 sq.m. Summer bedrooms: 5
Number of bathrooms: 6
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