Excellent office. Sale of finished business/Sale in parts (individual premises) Profitable investment!!!
Selling ready business!
Multifunctional retail space 421.5 & nbsp; m. sq. in the city center. 2 floors. Separate entrance from the busy street.
3 minutes & nbsp; walk from metro & laquo; Tractor works & raquo;. Free parking, well developed infrastructure and transport links.
Great office, author repair, your communications, perfect place for business.
Security, alarm, CCTV, furniture, Internet!
IT infrastructure of the administrative premises:
telephone communication system, computer network
cable television system,
operational communication; & nbsp; fire and security alarms;
access control system, video surveillance
Our office will be an excellent option for an organization that wants to & nbsp; work in the most comfortable conditions and within the framework of objective cost! , . Real estate agency "Central"
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