3-room apartment, Brest, Brestskikh Diviziy St., 1969, 2/5 brick, 58.8/58.0/42.5/6.0, separate bathroom, glazed balcony, basement, double-glazed windows, solid wood interior doors, metal entrance door, snezhka ceilings (2.50 m), laminate floors, walls covered with imitation masonry wallpaper, modern tiles in the bathroom, replaced plumbing, replaced plumbing pipes, bathtub, intercom. Kitchen set, gas stove, refrigerator, dining area, washing machine, cabinet and upholstered furniture, TVs. The apartment in a residential building consists of ni. The apartment is located on both sides. All windows overlook the courtyard. Clean entrance. There is a parking lot for cars in the courtyard. The apartment is under guard. Major repairs to the house. Intra-house communications have been replaced. The roof has been repaired. Insulation of the house with a fur coat and side facades of the house. The area has a developed infrastructure. Within walking distance of a public transport stop, grocery stores, a train station. See more details
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Agency agreement number 67/1 from 2025-01-13
Posted at: 14/01/2025
Updated at: 14/01/2025