The 3-room apartment is sold, an area of 57.0kv. MNA10-METAZHDOMACOMACOMACOMACOMOFOFOCHK "ROOMENTALALS." Swort-upcation planning: Large-liter, high-altarot-top2,95M, balcony, wardrobe. Buzoddelki. Steam-design, recycling detention OvoadkhotkhotkhoteBox Vodrugkhkhkoszhk. Lear-in-thecupomplex of the "Rodnivartals" is built, ecologically blonde-recoil-to-the-haul-and-hawk-west The imperishades are opened, which are in the monastery of the time of the time of the reservoir nytracodium -wonarods. Overcom -sophisticated consequences of the condensate of the same, sorted, go. DisableBabypro -Bustigerosykomplexes, developing, coordination of illegality. Dodvorakhinabulvarebulvarebudotszdasiyal -specialized -diliglating -zernarnarododoxias. Vygrozhilomplekomplefodeutotrodetrodetot -dodium -6 gasolorisoids -re -prodiga -dimensions - Dlyactiv NOGO. Plizostrazno -in -road club (Vulianovskiyeles -Park), Centerprooptic -Igra -Ingle -Dawn “Betterrek”, Park “Rucheyok” (14.5 hectares). Inventory, recovery, input -investment, are examined by the vice -mesh Ilt -to -intended illumination, we are awe -free with lights. Summarizes is seduced, it is molested by the emergency room, the vertical -combined -component is a comp -focus of a fiber -backed -binded -backed concrete -concrete plate Ford-billed-free-sized-free medium-intensifies of 10 storeys. Summarly-owned underground passing, which are arranged by subsideliocritorial“Family”) ichadow -melocious career -hazardous obstacles. Varryphydrakholikyatovoye canal with a naulifteilicated LAH ”will appear by the benefits of a variety of male stores, pharmacy-eagle-trades-house objects. They will, the main muskrates, at the first-story dwellers. Rodniegvartals will be built:-Educational Center: School1300 Yuchenikovidets ADNA250 MALYSHY,-DEDATE SAMSADAN200 TEMENTARY (Odiniznikhsdashtyv1-Yoe). All transport implication will work: -Schola No. 41ids-SoborovoShoss,-2057 Rydetskosad-submarine-submarine, head. Marushkino. Rodnivartals are built Homoskovsky -co -drovers, B15 Minatyatyatyatyatoleotaerorta "Vnukovo." Rayonobespechen -like projection is a reinforcement of anestone vehicle. It is used to develop systemanocratic social transport, including the newborn.Intensively developing the use of swing -transported vehicles: Metro (Vnukovo Station) IMCD (Tolstopaltsevo Station). Suppletion of the PROSOUSENCEMAVMARTA 2025:
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