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This strategically located building is close proximity to the roundabout junction at the entrance of Nicosia connecting the capital with the rest of Cyprus. It is easily accessible from all directions and is visible to everybody entering and exiting Nicosia through the Nicosia Limassol Highway and the peripheral road towards the Troodos mountains.
The building immediately after its completion in 2000 and it is no exaggeration to state that due to its location, size and architecture it is a landmark of Nicosia.
The building has large ergonomic open spaces, with 8m distance between columns and 5.5m height from floor to ceiling. The symmetry of the building as well as the distance between columns enable the ideal internal separation for any type of usage.
The total area of the building is approximately 18,000m2 on four floors (ground, lower ground, first and second floor) and 1,000m2 on the third floor around the patio opening. Furthermore, there is the possibility to extend the third top so that it covers 4,000m2 also.
The building has ample parking spaces, three modern lifts at the reception area able to curry 17 persons each (1250 Kg) and serving all floors, two service lifts and escalators to ensure the efficient vertical circulation of both staff, and visitors as well as one 2,000 Kg commercial lift.
It is worth mentioning that the building has been from its construction overengineered to accommodate public uses and has additional infrastructures including a spacious loading/unloading ramp connected to a small container terminal, 50 tones water deposit and fire pumps as well as four electricity substations of 1,000 KVA each.
The air-conditioning is powered by 2 relatively new Carrier 500hp chillers and by 3 older standby older units. It is recommended however to install a brand-new chiller and maintain one of the 2 Carrier units as standby.
Furthermore, the owners are ready to make available a adjacent building plot of 3,000m2, which can cover any future expansion needs of the prospective buyers.
The asset is suitable for Private Hospital, HQ Offices etc.
Only Sirius Enquires.
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