Dokshitsky district. Yukhnovka village 100 km from MKAD; 16 km from Dokshitsy. Direct bus and minibus from Minsk.
On the plot there is a house, a bathhouse, a barn, a gazebo. The plot is fenced. The cost of furniture is negotiated separately.
House: - Roof metal tile VENECIA Prelaq X-Matt; The walls are peeled and painted outside; New stove-fireplace, the walls are leveled (the north side is insulated from the inside) and prepared for finishing; The floor is insulated and raised from the ground; The doors to the house and to the veranda are metal; The veranda is insulated, painted, there are tiles on the floor. Bathroom in the house (sewage) and a summer one on the street.
Water is supplied to the house: hot and cold. there is a boiler, and also connected to the bathhouse.
The Finnish bathhouse is completely ready for use, there is a guest room, a cellar, a metal door.
The windows in the bathhouse and in the house are plastic.
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