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Dowiedz się więcej
In Győr - Moson - Sopron county, a 13,593 m² gravel pit is being abandoned. and a pond for sale as a leisure site to be developed (rezoning required) at 9343 Edve.
The property is located in the so-called golden triangle (recreational area) and was acquired by the current owner in 2007. It is surrounded by fields and is located approx. 800m from the small village of Edve with approx. 170 inhabitants.
Located on a community road, the tree and bush covered property is easily accessible by car.
Plot description
The area is currently dedicated as a "material mine".
The area is already designated as a "leisure area" in the Edve municipality''s zoning plan.
With the current zoning, 2% of the total plot area of 13,593m2 may be built up. This results in a construction area of 271.86 m2 and is sufficient to build a small weekend house.
The maximum building height may be 4.5m (measured to the lower edge of the roof).
The advantage of the current designation "material rental" for the foreign buyer is primarily that the property is not subject to VAT (20%) under this designation and the sellers pass this benefit directly on to the buyer.
In contrast to other dedications, the purchase of "material rental" to foreign buyers does not require approval, which means a significant reduction in processing costs.
A buyer of this plot of land, which is overgrown with trees and bushes and has an existing gravel pond, would have to clarify his plans, conceptions and ideas with the competent authority of the municipality of Kapuvar because of the possible building regulations.
According to the information from the current owner, a lot is possible if you agree with the mayor in Edve.
It is currently not known whether there are currently fish in the pond. The current owner allowed the mayor at the time of purchase in 2007 that Edve''s small fishermen''s association can continue its activities at the pond. Whether this fishing club is still active is currently also not known.
The property is unencumbered!
Retail price 120,000 euros + 4% commission + legal fees + state taxes.
All information given here was created on the basis of laws and information as of May 2023, no liability is assumed for changes in the law and price increases.
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