a shy; ne 3 - room apartment, top 6, plus k ü che, bath and toilet in the new condition. The presence is from the ö On a 1790 m ² Fundst ü ck is owned by its own water source with regular ä ß ig priced good water quality ä t and its own kl ä ranks.
community performances for us: garden, stroller and bicycle storage room.
For 28.02.2031. Rental income per month is 268.18 euros; Netto or 3,218.16 &euros; A year.
The facade was renovated in 2022. The windows and all Nassr ä Ume have been renewed in recent years.
There is a hot water preparation with electrical toilers in the kitchen and in the bathroom; Fireplace connection; K ü chenstort.
Grundst ü ck: 1,790 m &super;
The house consists of a full cellar and three upper floors.
The windows and almost all Nassr ä