Land Apcak, Belarus

Apcak, Belarus, Luhavaslabadski sielski Saviet, Obchak
Archive cost €39,893
Sold or out of date
Updated at: 14/04/2024


Country: Belarus
State: Minsk Region
Region: Minsk District
City: Luhavaslabadski sielski Saviet
Village: Apcak
Address: Obchak


For sale 10 km from MKAD, D. Obchak, Lugoslobodsky s/s, Minsk region, Minsk district, land plot 11,94 hundred, rectangular shape, with incomplete capital building.

The house is built under the roof, the foundation of the ribbon, the walls - the block of gas silicate, the roof - metal tiles. The plot is fenced.

Convenient transport connection with Minsk - route and bus, the street is asphalted.

Forest near.



Apcak, Belarus, Luhavaslabadski sielski Saviet, Obchak