Commercial building and a vacant plot, located in a unique and central location of Nicosia Municipality. In the surrounding area there is a plethora of amenities and services such as banks, restaurants, cafes, shops and residential and commercial buildings.
It is a six storey building. The vacant building plot is used as a parking space.
The building has an enclosed area of 3,400 sqm and consists of 14 shops on the ground floor and 12 offices on the 6 upper floors. Part of the shops and offices are currently rented.
The property lies within the ΠΕΖ planning zone (Commercial Development City Centre Zone), with Building coefficient of 250%. The property has the potential for further commercial and residential development.
More importantly, it can also benefit from numerous planning incentives such as a substantial increase in the allowable building density, as it is within the area covered by the "Nicosia City Centre Local Plan".
• The acquisition process of the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is in progress.
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