Residential properties for sale in Austria page 16

455 properties total found

Frequently asked questions about property for sale in Austria

Prices per square of housing vary, depending on the region. The most expensive prices are set in the capital of Vienna and the tourist area of Vorarlberg. 1 sq. meter here costs an average of 5000 euros. In elite housing and mansions prices are 2 times higher.The cheapest property in Austria is in Burgenland and Styria. The cost of a square in these regions does not exceed 2700 euros.
Foreigners need permission from the State Austrian Commission to acquire real estate. To buy a house in Austria, you will also need to open a local bank account for settlement with the seller and confirm the legality of the money by providing certificates from the tax office.
Foreign persons have to pay the transfer of ownership tax and registration fee. The value of the first is 3.5% of the cadastral price of real estate in Austria, the second - 1.1%.