For the Crown of Hands of Arenadlya Investigations, you will recover: Villupremiumlassaspanorammamomovidovgorahrayonargydzhak. The construction: began building - January 2023, an assault planned forkabr 2024. Coydomage construction. Royon \ Beach: Kargydzhak - Etopttstygygorayon, which attracts a brisk -term weapon, beautiful nature, excellent splendor of the Open -Social -Center OM: B2.3K -mott -stitching, pebbles, atactive shops, supermarketmigros, restaurant -nuberegumorye, beautifulnaberezhnaya, sports ramers, bus installations, neighboring, large -rayonamymutlar, vascular intelligence complex: KO MPlexosostoiytis15 separately statelessville. Insult -grinding -granita -Lede -covered -covered bonds, zone of the re -demochaybarbeku, cinema -doped -delayed, Open Parakovo2Awo, Finnish Sauna, Generator: Villaimyutny, gardening territoryThe area 350-465M2, co-stand-up dilapidated dodge.
Affiliator-planning4+1 plate 335.5m2 The TUSTANOMENSISE "Smartdom" is and the tutePoli;
Villas is in full use, out -of -cocked, doors, kitchen -mebelly -finished rooms. It sets out to be a number of charges racibular metal -quality equipment, a minute of the use of a payroll, after -sales service ESTEPTRETRAINARIONARAGYAGAK, spanoramic vitriors, close instructions, for its investigation, cheap -rayed price, naratapestroity.
Suitable for the decrease of the Turkish citizenship.